
M150 Ep45: The Future of Adventist Mission

David and Sam are joined again by Adventist Church world president Ted Wilson. In this episode, Elder Wilson shares his vision for the future of Adventist mission, inspired by 150 years of history. ...

M150 Ep44: Serving all around the world

Sam and David are joined by Ronald Kuhn, who has worked as a missionary in ten countries for many years. He shares how the best way to learn to adapt to a new culture is by humility and learning from mistakes; and his love for the people he worked among is obvious. He shares about his current job, training new missionaries for intercultural assignments. ...

M150 Ep43 - From West Africa to the former Soviet Union: A 20th-Century Missionary Family

Sam and David are joined by Elder Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, who talks about his and his family's experiences as missionaries in West Africa and the former Soviet Union in the 1980s and 1990s. ...

M150 Ep42 - Indigenizing Adventist Mission: The South Pacific

David and Sam are joined again by historian Michael Campbell to talk about early Adventist mission in the South Pacific islands, and especially in Fiji. They discuss not only early missionaries but also early indigenous converts, thanks to whom the preaching of the Adventist message really took off. ...

M150 Ep41 - Twenty-first Century Missionary Service in the Philippines

Sam and David are joined by historian Michael Campbell but this time not to talk history, instead to talk about Michael and his family's history of ministry, incliuding as missionaries for six years in Southeast Asia ...

M150 Ep40 - Self-Sacrificing Missionaries to South America

David and Sam tell the stories of two missionary families: the Cotts, who served in the 1920a and 1930s among the indigenous people of Guyana; and the Haydens, who served for nearly four decades in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. For more information, read D. J. B. Trim, Living Sacrifices (Pacific Press, 2019). ...

M150 Ep39 - Planning for United Action to Advance Mission

Sam and David continue looking at the importance of the General Conference Secretariat in the mission advances of the early twentieth century, and how the Church, from an early stage, used data to help strategically plan for the Adventist Church's worldwide mission. For more information, read "We aim at nothing less than the whole world": The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s missionary enterprise and the General Conference Secretariat, 1863–2019 (General Conference Archives, 2021) available at Amazon. ...

ANOTHER KIND OF PRODIGAL - Bill Knott's GraceNotes (April 12, 2024)


What kind of person gets angry when a wretched, broken sinner is restored by the grace of God? Are there really people that selfish?

The answer, according to Jesus, is sadly “Yes”—and they sometimes congregate in churches. In Jesus’ famous story, an arrogant younger brother forces his father to liquidate the family holdings to fund his portion of the estate, yet finally comes to his senses while wrestling pigs for food in a far-off land. Broken by his foolish choices, he makes his best decision ever—to return to the always-open arms of the father. Grace stirs his heart; grace moves his feet; grace gives him words; grace draws him to his father’s arms.

But lurking on the margins is a man turned hideous by his angry rejection of the same grace that brought his younger brother home. Nothing can be given. Everything must be earned. The early bird is the righteous bird. Only the righteous bird deserves the worm. “All these years I’ve slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to” (Luke 15:29) he snarls at his father. He cannot join the party, for only grace knows how to truly celebrate.

When prodigals come home; when broken lives get mended; when those most undeserving wear the Father’s ring and eat the Father’s food, graceless people show their true colors.

Don’t be surprised. And don’t let them ever keep you from coming fully home.

Stay in grace.

M150: Special - TheHopeful

A new Adventist motion picture is being released in April 2024, The Hopeful, which tells the story of the origins of the Adventist Church, from William Miller to John N. Andrews, and features Andrews and his children. In this episode, Sam and David talk with Kyle Portbury, director of The Hopeful about the movie and what Kyle hopes it will do. ...